Sunday, December 23, 2012

Fire in the fields

Who is prepared to make a difference?
Stand up for what you believe?
Stand up and be proud. There are but a few ways to ensure our success in life. Taking the time necessary to understand who we are is the most rudimentary of aspects. We must by all means define our being. How can this be achieved if we are confronted with many obstacles?
Is the exchange of goods and services the true means to success? Achieving financial stability is but an invention of our greed. Greed is blood running through our veins. I have this inner feeling the world is going to eat itself. Just completely devour it whole. Those people living within are entirely unsuspecting. We are oblivious to the nature of things. A society built on monetary values. Capitalism has morphed into a hideous beast, one that has gained its own strength and muscle.
We fear the development of artificial intelligence. Movies and theories have come about portraying this AI as an evil force. Something once created and permitted to walk freely will overtake humankind. I feel the true monster we have let loose and allowed to run wild is our greed, the insane desire for greater wealth.

Fear is to the person what
I am to the being
A soullessness found only in the dead
Something we have come to dread
Unlike those from generations past
Our lives have become furious
With needs
Not necessities
Rather than life
We live for wants
Rather than live for family, families live for life
Survive is but all we are doing
How can enjoyment be achieved?
What is this enjoyment?
Am I big because I am who I am?
Or is it just those who say I am?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fire in the field

Oh how the fire has grown, spreading its enfuriating furno 

As it stands we have civil unrest in Syria, Afganistan, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, North Korea.

Yet a group of Quebec students feel their cause of fighting against tuition hikes is detrimental to their livelihood.

Oppression of civil liberties and lack of essential human needs in African countries.

Lest we forget the horrific atrocities of a 75% tuition increase over the next 5 years. 

The insults do not stop there, banners of Che Guevara, associtaions to Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi, pots and pan clanging in the streets. 

How dare you?

Their fight for basic human rights, for the human existance were and will forever be crucial to our history.

How dare you say you are fighting the same causes these people have fought for?

The gaul you have to associate your meneal cause to those of oppressed people.

How dare you mention your cause in the same breath as international atrocities. How dare you! 

If you are unsatisfied with your current government, why did you vote for them if you voted at all?

Where is the justice when working people, who have completed their education, graduated and are now in the workforce now have to "deal" with the embarasment of our future generations.

Where is the logic in their argument when our tax dollars are paying for their education. And if their tuitions do not increase, who will shoulder this burden?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rip off the Band-Aid, find a real solution

My rendition of what life should be is a clean slate. a fresh start. if we were to do it all again what would we do? i do not have any regrets, rather appreciation for the life experiences i have gone through. i wish others would feel the same. unless i am not alone to feel this way...

a video game allows us to live in a surreal world. where we are permitted to live beyond our human capabilities. where our character can be changed, altered, improved and live immortally if we so chose to cheat. are the lives we lead now so different from what we attempt to do in video games? i guess it is up to the reader to make that call. i for one believe the video game is not so different from life, fighting for things we are envious of. stealing cars, killing, creating havoc, flying, driving, playing every sport imaginable. satisfying our hearts content. limitless gratification. the only setback is once we lose the game or must turn off the console and return to real life. for some a loss is nothing more than a loss, and a restart, or reset is the simplest solution. attempting the game or level on several occasions until we succeed. but would this hold true in the real world? can we say one day, i feel i have failed or "lost" at life and want to restart. is it possible for us to stop all and "redo" life in a different manner. how many times have we heard someone say, "if i could do it again...?" countless i am certain. how many times have we said this ourselves? does this make us imperfect, less than, or inferior humans? my attempt at rectification is not in accordance with any race or skin color. nor any religion or set of individual beliefs. it is based on human existence. a fresh start is what i see, clean slate if you wish, just as a painter would start a new canvas. society must start its own new clean white slate... our new canvas.

the band aid solutions we are imposing now are meagre attempts. set out to solve major issues, we apply temporary fixes, leaving the issues for future generations to solve. the first problem is the example we are giving. how we educate the future generations will dictate how they will continue to live. thus, if we apply band aid solutions, they will as well. if we today make a conscious effort to find permanent solutions, they will as well. lead by example, expecting to be surpassed. do not lead to maintain control. every lion in the jungle will meet his match. if we chose to live in constant control, so will we.

can we find a way to "restart"?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Is it so wrong for me to want to change the world

Is it so wrong for me to want to change the world? Is it even possible to do so? Do I have the power, the ability to complete such a tremendous task? What gives me the impression I know what is necessary? How can I automatically assume what is right & wrong? According to society, the workforce and possibly even the government, I am not qualified; Under-experienced in all fields and incapable of integrating myself at an important level. I am not given an opportunity to prove myself and therefore am found in a precarious predicament. Lack of experience is preventing me from getting experience, how benign. Evidently, I am being played for a fool. My abilities are not sufficiently appreciated and those who do see my potential are unable to sustain me. This brings about a second thought, how much am I worth? First instincts tell me I am priceless, I seek to encourage, putting myself last to motivate others. I find myself looking for my place in this world and have only found more complications. The job search has proven pitiful. An area of study that is most certainly needed on every level is neglected. The human aspect...