Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rip off the Band-Aid, find a real solution

My rendition of what life should be is a clean slate. a fresh start. if we were to do it all again what would we do? i do not have any regrets, rather appreciation for the life experiences i have gone through. i wish others would feel the same. unless i am not alone to feel this way...

a video game allows us to live in a surreal world. where we are permitted to live beyond our human capabilities. where our character can be changed, altered, improved and live immortally if we so chose to cheat. are the lives we lead now so different from what we attempt to do in video games? i guess it is up to the reader to make that call. i for one believe the video game is not so different from life, fighting for things we are envious of. stealing cars, killing, creating havoc, flying, driving, playing every sport imaginable. satisfying our hearts content. limitless gratification. the only setback is once we lose the game or must turn off the console and return to real life. for some a loss is nothing more than a loss, and a restart, or reset is the simplest solution. attempting the game or level on several occasions until we succeed. but would this hold true in the real world? can we say one day, i feel i have failed or "lost" at life and want to restart. is it possible for us to stop all and "redo" life in a different manner. how many times have we heard someone say, "if i could do it again...?" countless i am certain. how many times have we said this ourselves? does this make us imperfect, less than, or inferior humans? my attempt at rectification is not in accordance with any race or skin color. nor any religion or set of individual beliefs. it is based on human existence. a fresh start is what i see, clean slate if you wish, just as a painter would start a new canvas. society must start its own new clean white slate... our new canvas.

the band aid solutions we are imposing now are meagre attempts. set out to solve major issues, we apply temporary fixes, leaving the issues for future generations to solve. the first problem is the example we are giving. how we educate the future generations will dictate how they will continue to live. thus, if we apply band aid solutions, they will as well. if we today make a conscious effort to find permanent solutions, they will as well. lead by example, expecting to be surpassed. do not lead to maintain control. every lion in the jungle will meet his match. if we chose to live in constant control, so will we.

can we find a way to "restart"?

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